Cask Ale Not In Use
Hertford Town 2 v New Salamis 2
Friday 15 September 2023
Ground Tick #450
A glitch in the fixture matrix meant that neither Hertford Town of the Southern League Central, nor New Salamis of the Isthmian League North had a fixture at the weekend.
Meaning they could hastily arrange this Step 4 friendly. But, more importantly, meaning I could tick off Hertingfordbury Park as my 450th.
I felt the players took the friendly game seriously. It turned into a lively comeback draw. But, there were frays around the edges suggesting all the usual surrounding infrastructure was not in place.
I wish I'd got a picture. Man, I wish I'd got a picture. Fuck me, I wish I'd got a picture. There. Is. No. Picture.
As I lolloped into the club house, I could see a Cask of Beer on the bar. Literally ON the bar. Like you'd be dispensing it by gravity into foaming glasses. Hell. Yeah. But, as I beelined it, I realised there was an impromptu, hasty, biro and notepad sign on the Cask.
"Sorry, not in use"
Too scared to take a picture in front of the barstaff and Hertford Horribles. Sorry.
Additionally, all was not well with the Hertford Town video analysis equipment . During the warm up, the Hertford number 2, upon realising there was no telescopic video camera gizmo being deployed remarked;
"Are we doing the video at eye level then?"
"We're not doing video tonight."
"Good, I can play shit then…"
The Salamina went ahead on 7. And further ahead on 46. But, great game, Hertford Town stayed in it and clawed one back on 58. And banged home the equalising penalty just four minutes later.
In the absence of that - sorry, not in use - Cask Ale. I'm going to have to dig deep for my claimed Sup to go with this Balls.
Stewart Brewing (Loanhead, Scotland), Session IPA from a Tin at 3.7%
Keen (giggling here) readers of my Blog will know I was in Scotch Land earlier in the week for the Scotland v England game at Hampden, and catching a game at Forres Mechanics. So, my logistics from Forres to Hertford included an overnight journey on The Caledonian Sleeper. Board in Inverness at 8pm, for an 8:45pm departure. Arrive in London Euston 8am the next morning.
I am pleased to report that during that journey a SIGNIFICANT amount of utter bollocks was talked with random passengers in the Club Car. While a number of tins of Stewart Session IPA were consumed. Including the pictured battered to fuck one once all the pristines had been consumed.
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